.gxe - Binary info file : title, company, icon, encrypted stuff, ... .gxc - Encrypted binary file. Usually only the first X bytes of a commercial gxc is encrypted. The percentage of the file that is encrypted is controlled by the encryption program. (But often it is a very low percentage.) Here is the format Header (20 bytes long) Encypted binary data (X% of file) Unencrypted binary data (100-X% of file) If you remove the 20 byte header and unencrypt the file, then the resulting data is identical in all other respects with a .gxb file. .gxb - Non-encrypted binary file. This is placed in gp32 ram starting at location 0xc000000. The entry point is the starting location and the entry is performed in ARM (not thumb) mode. Here is the header format: b SkipHeader DCD Start Of Rom Code(?) DCD End Of Rom Code(?) DCD Start Of BSS Section(?) DCD End Of RAM Sections(?) DCD Start Of DATA Section(?) DCD End Of RAM Sections(?) DCD 0x44450011 ... sometimes more info here... SkipHeader: b C_Entry